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Fix Fork to Peda's Python Compatibility Issue

Peda is a famous and go to framework for pwn and reversing CTF challenge. Perhaps usage scope of peda itself might be wider than what I know as a newbie to hacking. But while messing around and reading walkthrough on a Hackthebox's Going Deeper* challenge I try firing up peda and found out a long list of errors.


A little bit of searching turns out there are multiple issue raised on peda's github page repo* which turns out it's different regexing standard* on newer python version with addition to a dependency error. So I create a fork to fix it myself since the fix is pretty simple. I hope whoever find this article while scratching their head will be helped. Here is my fork address or just copy paste the following.

git clone https://github.com/qorniboy/peda

While I'm the furthest away from being a pro reverse / pwning practitioner. I would be happy to continue maintaining this repository if the hacking community need it. Afterall I wish to stick to this part of hacking for a long time. Do please reach out to me if there are any issue with my "fix".

  1. HTB's Going Deeper
  2. Fixes reference
  3. Python3's newest regex standard