This challenge mark the start of my effort on understanding exploit/malware development and uh... Honestly I don't know the name of what I want to learn specifically. A simple challenge with high rating and Very Easy difficulty. Since I'm new to this I read some walkthrough and try to understand as best of what's going on. First step you should download the challenge file.
So supposedly there are a lot of reversing/decompiler tools on the net. GCC and such, but I chose to use ghidra* since it seems the most script kiddy one to use.
Source code in text:
undefined8 main(void) { int iVar1; char local_d; uint local_c; puts("[ ** WELCOME TO ROBO CASINO **]"); puts( " , ,\n (\\____/)\n (_oo_)\n (O)\n __||__ \\)\n []/______\\[] /\n / \\______/ \\/\n / /__\\\n(\\ /____\\\n---------------------" ); puts("[*** PLEASE PLACE YOUR BETS ***]"); local_c = 0; while( true ) { if (0x1d < local_c) { puts("[ ** HOUSE BALANCE $0 - PLEASE COME BACK LATER ** ]"); return 0; } printf("> "); iVar1 = __isoc99_scanf(&DAT_001020fc,&local_d); if (iVar1 != 1) break; srand((int)local_d); iVar1 = rand(); if (iVar1 != *(int *)(check + (long)(int)local_c * 4)) { puts("[ * INCORRECT * ]"); puts("[ *** ACTIVATING SECURITY SYSTEM - PLEASE VACATE *** ]"); /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */ exit(-2); } puts("[ * CORRECT *]"); local_c = local_c + 1; } /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */ exit(-1); }
Let's break this down slowly and forget all the fluff code. Focus on the meat and bread of this code, we see
while( true ) { if (0x1d < local_c) {This means that the application (read the flag length) will be 29 since 0x1d in decimal is 29.
Next we talk about the following snippet.
iVar1 = __isoc99_scanf(&DAT_001020fc,&local_d); if (iVar1 != 1) break; srand((int)local_d); iVar1 = rand();This snippet is about reading user input into local_d, set a random seed using our input (srand), then make a random value. Although this random value is not really random since we set the seed using srand*.
The biggest prize of this code is on this part.
if (iVar1 != *(int *)(check + (long)(int)local_c * 4)) {This part reads as if our input (rand-ed) is not the same as long(check + local_c * 4) {Let's dub this value as flag[index]} where check is an internal value and local_c is the counter. FlagCasino will stop running. In theory the "easiest" way to break this rev challenge and gain the flag is to brute-force the flag using alphanum + symbolic values.
Since I'm new to this kind challenge, and how the flagcasino is served to me. I thought I can only input numerical value. But when I tried to input standard HTB flag something clicked. The application actually going to continue char-by-char of the flag illustrated below.
With all of these observation known, I still don't know how to break this challenge. I don't want to brute force the answer either since it might take forever. After looking at a walkthrough though I understood that instead of trying to guess each instance of flag[index], we could practically instead map every char in uint8 range (because local_c is uint) as an srand seed and then randomize it. Now with this dictionary[random(seed=key)] = char[key] we could then use flagcasino check value to calculate the result of each index as val. We then can get dictionary[val] value which practically give us the flag.
Using python3 pwntools, we can make the following code to gain the flag.
from pwn import * import ctypes libc = ctypes.CDLL('') dictionary = {} flag = "" for key in range(255): libc.srand(key) dictionary[libc.rand()] = chr(key) casino = ELF("./rev_flagcasino/casino", checksec=False) for local_c in range(30): val = casino.u32(casino.sym["check"] + local_c * 4) libc.srand(val) flag += dictionary[val] print(flag)